15 February 2014

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Video: Ifi Majid, Head of Global Sell-In and Experiences Marketing at Nokia demoes the Nokia Lumia ICON

Posted: 14 Feb 2014 03:18 AM PST

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Ifi Majid, Nokia’s Head of Global Sell-in and Experiences marketing (Product marketing for NAM) is on video for Nokia US to demo the newly released Nokia Lumia ICON.

He mentions this as a flagship device. He wanted something powerful but still pocketable. The main focus being the width and this one, about the same as a 1020 but with a 5″ display.

Video: Ellen Degeneres gives all audience members on ELLEN a Nokia Lumia 1520, #CameronDiaz

Posted: 14 Feb 2014 03:13 AM PST

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Here’s Ellen Degeneres, on her show, Ellen with Cameron Diaz giving away the Nokia Lumia 1520 to all of her audience members! How cool is that?

This is after playing a game using a beats app it appears.

The Nokia Lumia 1520 was featured as the special giveaway on Ellen, with guest Cameron Diaz and three audience members playing the game “Beats Me, That’s a Humdinger: Presented by AT&T” for their chance to win!

Check out the Nokia Lumia 1520: http://nokia.ly/Lumia1520us

No-Ki-A-Lu-Mi-Ah-Fif-Teen-Twen-Ty. Quite a mouthful, no?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPpAgXllKQcScreen Shot 2014-02-14 at 10.59.25

Whatsapp for WP Getting Custom Backgrounds and Notification Tones in Next Update

Posted: 14 Feb 2014 12:29 AM PST

WhatsappWhatsapp is one app that a lot of people rely on, unfortunately its performance on WP isn’t exactly the best out there; with random crashes, delayed notifications and a pretty ugly chat UI. However a lot of that is changing in the upcoming update for Windows Phone. The latest update to the Whatsapp beta brings the option to add a custom background to your messages, something that will give it a much nicer look and make it seem less depressing (the settings list has also been revamped with a nicer layout.


Another major change is the ability to set a custom notification tone, a feature that was made possible by Update 3 for WP; under the settings you have the option to set a custom tone for both group messages as well as individual chats, meaning we can finally do away with the standard Windows Phone notification noise (it can get VERY confusing if sitting with more than one person who has a WP).

Custom_whatsappThere isn’t an expected release date for these features just yet, but hopefully we’ll be seeing them soon




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