01 February 2014

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Video: A Nokia Lumia 1520 RICH recording moment

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 10:44 AM PST

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Quick heads up on this short video to demonstrate the audio recording on the Nokia Lumia 1520.

You can hear the tense deep breathing so clearly.

Bloomberg: Microsoft preparing next for CEO Satya Nadella? Gates to be replaced as Chairman?

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 08:19 AM PST


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According to Bloomberg, MS Cloud computing chief, Satya Nadella may become Microsoft’s next CEO after Ballmer. Either way it’s not Elop.

Founder, ex-CEO and Chairman, Bill Gates may also be replaced. Whilst Bill said he’d help out part time, there may be someone else at the Chairman’s seat. Possible replacement includes John Thompson, MS Lead independent director.

Gate’s exit may be a bigger shift than Ballmer’s.

Source: Bloomberg

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

Accessories: Nokia Lumia 1520 wallet case/stand

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 08:11 AM PST



There are some people that prefer their phones naked. I like mine with accessories. Not least for the protection but also because they can do something.

Keeping my cards together (ID/Cash/Cards) or even keys and with this one, having the option to use it as a stand. Also having something against the screen is great of keeping it clean, especially when I’ve left it in my bag.

This is just a generic one you can find on eBay. I got this from Amazon in order to get the one day shipping. This just arrived this afternoon :). I wish I ordered it sooner and perhaps I could have avoided that knock, eh?

A couple of shots of the cover empty.

1520 case with standIMG_2810 1520 case with standIMG_2811

With the 1520 in. :( Oh that crack. Bits of the glass are falling off every day.1520 case with standIMG_2814

Covered up . Yes there is added thickness. I’ve seen a lot of these cases around in their various forms and it seems that despite the ambition for slimmer phones, people don’t mind putting them in cases, especially when they have additional functions other than protection.1520 case with standIMG_2815 1520 case with standIMG_2816 1520 case with standIMG_2817 1520 case with standIMG_2818 1520 case with standIMG_2819 1520 case with standIMG_2820

Side view of the stand. Angle is somewhat adjustable. Great for the big screened 1520.

1520 case with standIMG_2823

Stand view. Ouch.

1520 case with standIMG_2821 1520 case with standIMG_2824

When typing I’d usually have the flag around the back.1520 case with standIMG_2829

I think it looks quite nice. Like a mini diary.

1520 case with standIMG_2830 1520 case with standIMG_2831

Here’s the exact one:

Nokia MixRadio Updated v4.2, offline downloading, background imagery for all tracks!

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:34 AM PST

Mix radioThe amazing Nokia MixRadio just got updated which brings some nice UI tweaks giving an overall more colorful experience, as well as more functionality and background support.

  • Background imagery for all tracks meaning no blank pages
  • Offline downloading even when app closed
  • Offline curated mixes refresh much quicker
  • Bug fixing


Cheers Ike for the tip!

Bing Rewards Comes to Android and iOS, No WP Love

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:25 AM PST

rewards_video_content2Bing Rewards, Microsoft’s attempt at making Bing a more popular search engine by rewarding users who use it for search; has just hit mobiles, coming to both Android an iOS. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) Microsoft have yet to release an app for their own platform, Windows Phone (similar to the delayed updates that come to the Skype app).

Currently users who actively search using Bing are eligible to redeem their points into gift cards for Xbox, Amazon and others, a nice way to reward your users instead of selling their information; but if only Microsoft would play favorites with their OS…



Video: How to Recycle Nokias and get gold – filmed on Nokia Lumia 1020

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 04:20 AM PST

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Another video from this bonkers looking lady (who previously showed us ‘how’ to make a phone case out of old CDs) on how to recycle gold. Or more correctly, how to recycle Nokia phones and get gold.

Digging up natural resources consumes oil. Nokia finds it better to recycle.

In their sample, the energy they saved could be used to make 17.5 mobile phones. I like the half there.

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Video: Lumia 1520 Performance Test + Camera Speed Vs Lumia 1020

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:54 AM PST


The Lumia 1520 is Nokia’s beefiest phone till date, with massive internals to match the massive screens size, so here’s a video showing how the Snapdragon 800 and the quad core processor perform.


The Lumia 1520 is very fast when it comes to capturing images on the go (and even faster when it comes to comparing it against the Lumia 1020 which is pretty slow in that aspect).

Accessories: DIY Wireless Charging wallet case for Nokia Lumia 1020

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:47 AM PST

1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_36_04_Pro

Unlike the 920 and 1520, the 1020 didn’t have Wireless charging built in. Now on my 920, I use a wallet case. Whilst it does add bulk, it means I only carry one thing. Wallet with cards/notes/keys/receipts can all fit in with the phone.

Now, that wallet case is pretty much just a 920 snap on cover with the faux leather wallet bit. The wireless charging shells are pretty much just snap on covers. It’s just as easy to exchange the simple snap on cover with the wireless charging shell right? (I think it was something I was contemplating on doing with the 925 too).

These are pretty cheap on eBay. This clipped on much more securely than the 920 case.

1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_36_32_Pro


Anyway, rip that off and exchange it for the wireless charging shell.

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1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_37_35_Pro

This is how the wireless charging shell looks like on its own.
1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_38_32_Pro

Take the 1020 out of course. And add copious amounts of glue. I used gel superglue as it was less runny.

1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_39_54_Pro

Attach to the case. Leave for at least a day. Do not put the 1020 in as you might end up with some marks when the glue dries.1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_49_54_Pro


1020 wallet chargingWP_20131006_09_10_54_ProI’m still using it on my 1020. Got bank cards, student cards.

4 months on.

1020 wallet chargingIMG_2809


P.S. This post was meant to be published in October 2013 but I just never got around to it. I also had a ton of other accessories to share about the 920 but again, due to the piling Uni schedules it just got forgotten.

Here’s the Amazon link to the wireless charging cover. It’s a bit cheaper now.


There are various leather wallet cases to choose from on eBay so feel free to take your pick.

Screenshot: WP8.1 separate volume controls

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:28 AM PST

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At the time this post was originally written, we weren’t sure that this was real based on the flurry of fake WP8.1 posts.

Tom Warren seems to have confirmed it’s more likely to be real.

Source: WPBar


NokConv: How Nokia Connects with its Amazing Community

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:17 AM PST

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Joel Williams details the work that goes on behind the scenes of how Nokia Connects with its AMAZING Community.

Nokia’s Social Media teams are awesome. Whether it be direct Nokia, Nokia Connects or the previous WOM World (via 1000Heads), they know how to engage with the community and bring up grass roots support.

As you know, MNB started because we had so much more Nokia related content to share, thanks to WOMWorld (now Nokia Connects).


But it isn’t just about connecting with Nokia or even tech bloggers. It’s about those online who make conversation.  We hope that even with the D&S sale to Microsoft, they’ll continue this involvement.

Our 7 super rules of engagement

1. We discover and get involved in relevant conversations.
2. We reward people who create amazing things with their Nokias by showcasing and amplifying their content.
3. We give people the opportunity to test out the latest Nokia products through device trials.
4. We inspire our community to be creative with creative content and challenges on Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Facebook and Nokia Conversations.
5. We take members of the community to key events around the world such as MWC, Nokia World, CES and Social Media Week.
6. We build real relationships through years of community management on social media, telephone, email and most importantly, one-to-one!
7. We provide our community with access to Nokia employees, from R&D to Product Managers to Marketing.

Other sections in NokConv’s piece:

  • My favourite Nokia Connects projects
  • Why people love Nokia Connects

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