17 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Video: Alleged WP Blue/8.1 In Action; Shows Quick Toggles and Expandable Notifications

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 03:34 PM PDT

dDI8yZ3Just a few hours ago Jay posted about some alleged WP Blue/8.1 screenshots making the rounds on the internet; well now the same poster has made a video demoing what the major changes are.

You can watch it on Dropbox at the link below:


The big changes are:

  • Pull from the left –> Me Hub + Quick toggle notifications for Notifications, Battery Saver, Wifi and Bluetooth
  • Ability to change theme color from the same menu on the left
  • Apps arranged by usage
  • Expandable notifications (for messages at least) by tapping on the toast notification
  • Expanded notifications can be swiped away like normal toast messages
  • Asterisk in the status bar to indicate new notifications
  • Live tile for the notifications center

So it would seem you can either access your notifications through the live tile, or by swiping to the right and tapping the notification box, that’s still one swipe too many if you ask me. Plus this feature should be included throughout the OS even when running apps such as office or browsing etc. (not sure about games..)



Press Release: Jolla’s Sailfish OS runs Android apps natively without modification.

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT

jollaWhilst this is a Nokia blog, we do also talk about anything Nokia related. And Jolla has roots in MeeGo/Maemo and of course, Nokia peeps in the team. An interesting press release from Jolla shows that their Sailfish OS runs Android apps natively without any modification. In comparison to say, BB10, apparently, at least from folks who’ve used it (I’m using Sam J Pullen, an all around tech/phone video blogger) BB’s implementation is horrible. Let’s see how Jolla takes care of the apps.


Sailfish OS achieves compatibility with Android ecosystem
HELSINKI – September 16, 2013. Sailfish OS has achieved a major milestone whereby the OS is now compatible
with the AndroidTM ecosystem, in terms of application and hardware compatibility.
Android applications run directly on Sailfish OS without any modifications

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Users enjoying the unique gesture-based and modern Sailfish OS user experience will be able to take full
advantage of the Android application ecosystem available through various app stores globally. Jolla will cooperate with leading global app stores to ensure users can seamlessly download Android apps just as they would
do on any Android device.
"For example, highly popular apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Spotify run directly on Sailfish OS. Also
Chinese WeChat – already with over 400 million users – runs on Sailfish OS," says Jolla CEO Tomi Pienimäki.
Sailfish OS runs on common Android hardware
Jolla has made a major breakthrough in Android hardware compatibility by developing Sailfish OS to run on
common hardware produced for Android, particularly smartphones and tablets. Vendors interested to utilize
Sailfish OS are now able to develop phones and tablets based on many different chipset and hardware
configurations. This new level of compatibility will enable device vendors who use Sailfish OS to fully utilize the
existing Android hardware ecosystem.
Jolla believes that this breakthrough offers growth opportunities of significant scale for Sailfish OS globally,
especially in China. "We believe Sailfish with Android compatibility is a highly relevant mobile operating system
option for major mobile companies in Europe and in Asia. We are already in discussions with several major Asian
vendors regarding this opportunity," says Tomi Pienimäki.
Next production batch will be opened for pre-orders this week
The last weeks have been very dynamic in the mobile industry and after the Microsoft-Nokia announcement the
strategic position of Jolla and Sailfish OS has strengthened significantly.
"Due to extremely positive feedback and increased demand in the past weeks, we are offering another pre-order
opportunity for our second production batch later this week through jolla.com. This will be targeted to Finnish
customers who want to express their passion for the Finnish mobile industry," Pienimäki concludes.

Thanks Zlutor for the tip!

City of Oslo Orders 3,000 WP Devices

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 01:23 PM PDT

WP_20121109_008The municipality of Oslo, Norway has just put in an order of 3,000 WP devices to be provided for the nursing staff caring for the elderly there. The reason for specifying that the devices run Windows Phone is that their Finnish-made filing system only supports WP.

The reason for this somewhat exotic demand is the back-office services the nurses use while providing at-home nursing services to the elderly. The City of Oslo is using the casework and filing system Gerica, developed by the Finnish consulting company Tieto. Tieto has developed just one client interface smartphone app for Gerica, which is for Windows Phone. As a result, the city administration has got no alternatives when it comes to platform choice for the new smartphones.

The devices have a minimum requirement of a Wvga, 4 inch screen and a minimum processor speed of 1Ghz; which is basically almost every Wp8 device short of the 620.

Should the rest of the Oslo municipality follow suite in the switch to WP it would require over 43,000 devices; that should give the market share a boost right?



Possible WP8.1 Blue screenshots (and Bittersweet shimmer showing previous notifications?)

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:42 AM PDT


Some interesting screenshots from twitter account https://twitter.com/qXerro. It may be faked, it may not. I’ve not followed the Blue screenshots that have been appearing every now and again so I’m not sure what you’ve seen before.Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 17.38.11 WPC posts about a possible notifications as indicated by screenshots from the same username, but the latest tweet suggests it might be something different appearing from a left swipe.

“Oh , swipe left is not a notifications area ! it’s (Me ,quick share ,settings and personalize) still not seen in current builds.”


note password removal for kids corner with ability to add music and videos.IRl1rkU

The start button may function like so:

8.1: waiting for conformation long Start = CORTANA (voice assistant)

double Start = What is going on area ?!

double Back = ends current app

In somewhat related news, appearing earlier than Blue, is Bittersweet Shimmer for Nokia phones. This might provide the ability to see previous toast notifiations (this screenshot via WinPhoneViet)

Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 17.35.01

Thanks Alvester and zomer for the tip!

Finnish Mårten Mickos suggested as another name for MS CEO, Elop still top candidate

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:19 AM PDT

Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 17.17.57I read in our of our reader comments that Business Insider had suggested that Finnish Mårten Mickos, maybe a good candidate for the next CEO of Microsoft.

If we’re looking at the right story, there are some other points of note in what they call bar stool gossip


  • Stephen Elop is still most likely candidate
  • Gates is deeply involved in the CEO search
  • Gates will come back as a very active chairman and will want a CEO who is comfortable with Gates guiding the vision for the company.
  • Gates wants someone with Public Company experience
  • Hence Elop is at the top
  • An idea that MS should spin off the consumer business and put someone like Mårten Mickos in charge.

Nokia #FightBoredom Twitter Campaign

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:17 AM PDT

portrait_template3Nokia (and @Nokia_Connects) have been putting a different spin on the Lumia 625, building it up as an anti-boredom device. They even asked us to switch up our unboxing a bit to help fightboredom, which we gladly did. Tomorrow the Nokia people will be helping fight boredom by transforming random mundane pictures into something fun:

So from tomorrow, our Boredom Fighters are going to be looking at the #fightboredom hashtag on Twitter and selecting your images to be transformed. The Boredom Fighters are looking for pictures of people and or pets, so make sure you stick to that if you want to take part!

Of course this isn’t strictly mobile related, but it would be pretty fun to have a change from the norm; read more at the Nokia Conversation link below, and don’t forget to tweet your own pictures tomorrow.



Video: Nokia Lumia 1020 – 41 x 41, infinite zoom

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:03 AM PDT

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Here’s an interesting video composed of 41 photos from the 41MP Nokia Lumia 1020. These photos are carefully stitched together so that when you zoom into one photo, you blend into the next creating what appears to be an almost infinite zoom in a static photo that travels from night through to day.


Newly Released: Nokia 108 Dual SIM promo video – ultra affordable camera phone from $29

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 04:27 AM PDT


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Nokia stressed the importance of entry level mobile phones at NokConv and hinted at something new for Monday. I think one of our readers AIKON posted a link to the 108 pics prior to launch but I didn’t get around to posting.

Anyway, it’s officially here. Nokia 108 and 108 DUAL SIM. Starting at just 29USD, due Q4 2013 in red, black and white with yellow and cyan coming later.

Nokia 108 Dual SIM -Robust camera phone ideal for snapping pictures or recording videos. It also comes with Nokia SLAM a faster and easier way to share content via Bluetooth. It has a great battery with 25days standby time and 13.8 hrs. of talk time. The Mp3 player with 40.8hrs of playback ( headset volume 5), support for up to 32GB micro SD card and 103 phons speakers makes this also great for listening to music. It is also packed with everyday essentials like flashlight, preloaded snake game, FM radio and multiple alarms. The back covers with inherent colours are exchangeable. The phone is available in bright red, yellow, cyan, black and white.

Here’s NokConv’s post



Nokia Number 1 in Russia, overtakes Samsung; Nokia Lumia WP outsells iPhone in Middle East

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 04:20 AM PDT

lumia family

A couple of related news. First up, Nokia is apparently number 1 again in Russia, surpassing Samsung.


Next up, Nokia’s Windows Phones outsells iPhone.
With 45.2% share, Nokia leads the overall Middle East mobile market (that’s both smartphones and feature phones). Sammy meanwhile has 18.3%.

In terms of smartphones alone, Nokia climed from 9.7% in Q1 to 11.8%, enough to overtake iPhone’s 11.4%.




Cheers Carl for the tip

Video: Lumia 625 Gaming Performance

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 01:06 AM PDT


Unlike all previous 512 Mb ram WP8 Lumias, the Lumia 625 has a 1.2ghz processor instead of the 1ghz found in the likes of the 720,620… This brings it even closer to the specs of 920 and 820 which both have 1.5ghz processors. So how does the improved processor compare when it comes to things that a large screened device such as the Lumia 625 should be good at (specifically gaming); well watch the video below and see for yourself:


All the games I tried run perfectly, with no stuttering, lag or dropped frames; however there is the issue I mentioned in the video regarding games restarting rather than resuming when multitasking, but it seems to be associated with the way the game is coded more than anything else. Overall the 625 is as expected in terms of Nokia WP devices, up to par and delivers when it comes to gaming; of course some games aren’t available due to the 512 Mb ram limitation, but those we tested had no issues.

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