19 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Video: PocketNow showcases Nokia Lumia 1020′s camera capabilities

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 03:00 PM PDT

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PocketNow says that camera performance is more important now than ever before. They dedicate this video completely to talk about the capabilities of what reviewers have branded, the best smartphone camera, the Nokia Lumia 1020.

Great little explanation of the 1020 :) .


Hump Wars: Nokia N8 vs Nokia Lumia 1020

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:30 PM PDT

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Crickey! That Nokia N8 looks positively cute and tiny next to the Nokia Lumia 1020!

Here’s a quick comparison video as well as some samples of the Nokia Lumia 1020 against the mighty Nokia N8.

Until the 808, the N8 was the best camera phone ever. It was still (and to this day actually) knocking the pants of competing smartphones. That 12mp shooter is quite something. Combined with a xenon flash, large sensor, zeiss optics, it was something to impress.

When it was announced that Nokia would go WP, we hoped we’d at least see a 12mp N8 like imaging. This was of course before the 41mp 808 PureView was announced..

We waited quite a while and the result has been something awesome. Unanimous praise for being the best ‘smartphone camera’. OIS, 41MP, one of the, if not, the best camera interfaces on mobile to make it a joy to use. Although I would have been happy if the 800 or even 900 had performed like the N8.


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Cheers Mikey for the tip!


Glance and ProCam to Come to All WP Devices in 8.1 + More Details on WP Blue & GDR3

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:27 PM PDT


The leaks regarding WP Blue/8.1 keep coming; fresh from the same source who made the video showing the new homescreen interface on WP 8.1 we have several more nuggets of information. First off you can see the full layout of the status bar above (although the battery percentage seems to be missing?); the connection icons have been grouped on the left side of the screen, with the right side being reserved for “System” including the notifications asterisk. The roaming triangle has also been grouped in with the reception status, in a space saving move.

Another interesting rumor is the claim that both Nokia Pro cam and Glance screen will come to ALL Windows Phone devices (not just Lumias). That is reasonable seeing how Microsoft owns the teams behind it, plus it would level the playing field, making the OS more attractive for other OEMs,

Next up is the fact that the new voice assistant Cortana might arrive sooner than we thought, as “Xeto” claims that it’s part of the BitterSweet Shimmer app packet, which means it’s probably bundled with GDR3. He does say “don’t be too happy” so it’s possibly just a very limited version at the moment, or maybe just a rebranding of Tell Me, with the full service arriving in Blue? Also mentioned is that the Lumia 520 will be left out of some of the feature updates in GDR3 due to hardware restrictions (something that has already happened with the Lumia Amber Update).

And finally we have a screenshot of what appears to be a Samsung WP device running WP 8.1. BUY1YzaCcAEgJMH


For Science! Nokia 808 PureView and fluorescent imaging of viruses and nano particles from UCLA

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:12 PM PDT

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The attachment itself is apparently 3D printed. We all know how much Nokia loves 3D printing.

Check it out! Some clever people at UCLA have taken the Nokia 808 PureView and used it to conduct fluorescent imaging on viruses.

Mobile phones and smartphones, particularly of the Nokia variety have been instrumental over the years, crossing over into the world of medicine enabling these phones to enhance humanity beyond connecting people. Primary examples include smartphones in areas of diagnostics, telemedicine, research, reference and interventions.


These results [are] the first time that single nanoparticles and viruses have been detected using a cellphone-based, field-portable imaging system

“Given its high sensitivity and field-portability, our [smartphone-based] fluorescence imaging platform could be useful for specific imaging of [...] bacteria and viruses in field settings,

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

Video & Gallery: Nokia Asha 501 Dual Sim Unboxing and First Impressions

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:11 PM PDT



The other day I stopped by the Nokia Jordan office to pick up the Asha 501 for trial (admittedly I was supposed to stop by almost 3 weeks ago, but then Microsoft happened…). So here’s a quick unboxing of the device, with a few first thoughts below:


My first thought on the 501 is “god this thing is tiny”. Having played with the Lumia 625 for the past few days and generally using the much heavier Lumia 920 as my daily driver I can’t help but think that something is missing in this phone. Of course that’s not a bad thing, it just goes to show how adaptable and relative everything is in the mobile world. The color I got is a sort of Bright red that border lines on being hot pink, with same fluorescence of the 625, but without being so see-through.

The one button layout of the 501 was slightly confusing at first, seeing how it mixes between the swiping gestures to close apps, as well as the back button to back out (the back button functions similar to the WP back button). So there were a couple times I ended up thinking the phone was stuck since I couldn’t “back out” of an app anymore than I already had, until it dawned on me to swipe it shut.

Fastlane, the all in one info and updates screen is pretty cool, I was surprised to see it also shows pictures taken over the past few days (making it a useful one stop center to bring back those drunken blackout nights :P ). However I’m having a lot of trouble setting up my email accounts (both Gmail and Outlook) as I keep getting “error setting up email account” issues, but hopefully that’ll work out.

That’s it for now, check out the quick gallery below, and let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see examined in the 501.

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MS delaying Nokia phablet, wants Nokia tablet cancelled? Is there any way for the Nokia MS deal NOT to go through?

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 02:03 PM PDT



For those looking for more reasons to hate Microsoft, here we go. I can’t really think of anything to say to defend them really. Anyone? I’m sure there must be some reasoning behind this. Perhaps delaying tablet launch because as expected, MS with its billions of dollars and cash and thousands of incompetent workers can’t actually develop WP faster than a toddler who stumbled on “programming for dummies” and thus wants the phablet and GDR3 to appear together? Shut up and ship remember? Because we are all getting GDR2 super fast aren’t we?



Question here: Is the MS-Nokia deal set in stone or is there still a way that it can be cancelled? Like the attempted T-Mobile acquisition by AT&T (though that was cancelled by AT&T after the Antitrust division of the US DOJ wanted to block it).

What if Nokia shareholders say NO?

Perhaps there’ll be more truth to this:

Windows Phone deemed safe enough for government use

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 06:21 AM PDT


Good news for Microsoft and Windows Phone 8, the operating system been deemed safe enough for use by US government officials.

The certification was done by the US government organization NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) who now deem Windows Phone safe enough for use following the FIPS 140-2 standard. Microsoft's OS is only the third to receive this rating after Blackberry and iOS 6 (which got the status earlier this year) Right now Android isn't certified, only a handful of devices were certified like the Samsung Galaxy S2 and S3.

Should this be considered a great success for Windows Phone? It isn't a great big success per se, but it does clear the way for (US) government agencies to purchase WP based devices. With the rumoured Enterprise pack that should be coming to WP it might make a more feasible choice for government agencies to go the Windows Phone route. I just hope Microsoft will put enough emphasis on the enterprise side and integration with the Windows desktop OS as that is what could be a great selling point for both commercial and government enterprises.

Via: Tweakers.net
Image via: PoliticSPA

Source Link: MSDN

DOTA 2 Inspired Lumia 1020 Start Screen

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 05:02 AM PDT


Here’s a pretty cool post on reddit, under the DOTA 2 section. The user customized his 1020 start screen to show his passion for DOTA 2; the interesting part are the comment responses.


A lot of people are very excited about the feature (although not many users on WP actually do it), so it’s nice to see the 1020 getting more coverage.


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