08 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Nokia kept secrets from Microsoft, it frustrated Joe Belfiore

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 05:38 PM PDT


I can’t believe we missed this CNET recently published an interview with Joe Belfiore discussing how the Nokia deal will help Microsoft and Windows Phone.

here are some interesting quotes:

The companies often touted their deep partnership on smartphones, but it turns out they still kept many secrets from each other. Sometimes those secrets caused one or the other to scramble to change features before a phone launched, and led Microsoft to rethink core aspects of its mobile operating system.

  • I think this refers to the 1020, I wonder how Microsoft didn’t see a 41 mp phone coming after the 808 launch and all the constant stream of rumors about it. of course it could also be OIS?

We would make changes in the software, or prioritize things in the software, unaware of the work that they’re doing. And then late in the cycle we’d find out and say, ‘If we had known that we would have done this other thing differently and it would have turned out better!’” Belfiore told CNET on Friday

  • The word “cycle” reminds me so much of this two statements

“waiting until the end of your fiscal year when you need to close your targets, doesn’t do us any good when I have phones to sell today.”


Bryan Biniak VP of app development at Nokia.

  • I will side with Nokia on this one


That back and forth is a common occurrence between the two companies. Belfiore says the partnership has also helped the company get a handle on regions it never understood when the first Windows Phones rolled out, including China and other emerging markets.

  •  I can vouch for Nokia on this one, its Arabic localization remains to be the most consistent experience for years now unlike Android phones that come with weird Arabic translations that are just half assed.


“In developing countries, end users share files over Bluetooth commonly, and in the US people just don’t do that,” Belfiore said. “We didn’t even have that feature, and we didn’t even understand or appreciate the degree to which it was critical.”

  • I think this is the perfect time to shamelessly plug one of my last articles on this exact subject.


“Some of our partners have come, and some of them have gone over the years,” he said. “It’s not likely to change the big picture.”


  • Isn’t that just a very Microsoft thing to say.



Source CNET via Wpcentral

Video: Lumia 920 w/ Bittersweet Shimmer shown off on camera (Update: Second Video Added)

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 10:19 AM PDT


Quick heads up. Ali posted earlier about a Lumia 920 that popped up in WPCentral’s forums, running the next iteration of WP, GDR3, specifically the Nokia Lumia variant, known as Bitterwseet Shimmer.

Take a look at the video below, that shows off a few of the new features. Its not huge, but its enough to whet your appetite.


Update: There has been a second video released now, that shows off Notifications on Glance screen, and a few other things.


Source: WPCentral [1], [2]

OPK: Nokia couldn’t have continued with Symbian – Nokia was in a difficult position between Apple and Google

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 02:03 AM PDT

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First, wow, check out OPK in silver hair edition, with a little tuft of matching beard (perhaps inspired by Dean Pattrick here). Other than looking different, he appears a lot less stressed.

Anyway, there’s a 17 minute video interview with previous CEO to Elop, OPK (in Finnish) published over at YLE. I don’t know precisely what they’re saying so I’m going from the auto translation of the written article.


From Janne’s tip: “Nokia couldn’t continue with Symbian - it made staying competitive and improving things very hard”. The article says that the decision to go WP was very well thought out and that OPK was pleased that the Nokia CEO did their best (I’m guessing referring to Elop).

I’m going to stop there as I’m sure the translator might be mangling the meaning a bit.

Some other links from Janne:

Kallasvuo doesn’t believe in Trojan horse theory:


Kallasvuo on Nokia sale, dramatic:


Cheers Janne for the tipS

Weekend LOL: Fake Lumia 1020, 2 Mp Camera, Android, “Xpress Music”

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 12:32 AM PDT

$T2eC16R,!yME9s5qHBi2BSH,SpRNl!~~60_3For anyone who would love an Android Lumia, now’s your chance; an e-bay listing has the device running Android 4.0, a whopping 2 megapixel camera on the back (don’t worry the hump is still there), Dual Sim, and 2G connectivity!

Grab the device at the link below ($69)


thanks for the lol Alvester


Lumia 920 Running Bittersweet Shimmer!/GDR3 Appears Online; Has Rotation Lock, Driving Mode and Improved Multitasking

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 12:25 AM PDT


A while back we heard that the next Nokia update following Lumia Amber, will be Lumia Bittersweet Shimmer! Now a user at the WPC has ended up with a Lumia 920 running a build of GDR3/BSS (Can we abbreviate it as that please?) off craigslist. Below are some screenshots of the device

  • System wide orientation lock
  • Driving mode
  • “x” to close apps in multitasking

According to WPC GDR3 will also include:

  • Custom sounds for text, voice mail, e-mail, and reminders
  • Restore over Wi-Fi when you reset your phone
  • Huge amount of work on Bluetooth with various vehicles and devices

What do you guys think? I for one am excited about the custom text tones! Finally!




Thanks for the tip Alvester and Adrian


Press Release: Nokia to issue convertible bonds of EUR 1.5 billion to Microsoft – proceeds to go to NSN purchase

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 12:25 AM PDT

Screen Shot 2013-09-07 at 08.24.13Espoo, Finland – On September 3, 2013 Nokia announced that, in connection with its announcement to sell to Microsoft Corporation substantially all of its Devices & Services business (the “Sale of the D&S Business”), Microsoft had agreed to make available to Nokia EUR 1.5 billion of financing in the form of three EUR 500 million tranches of convertible bonds.

Today, Nokia announces that it has decided to draw down all of this financing and thus Nokia will issue three tranches of senior unsecured convertible bonds, each with a nominal value of EUR 500 million (the “Bonds”). Nokia’s Board of Directors decided today to issue the Bonds on the basis of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting of Nokia held on May 7, 2013.

Nokia intends to use the proceeds of the offering to prepay financing raised for the acquisition of the shares in NSN which was completed in August 2013 and for general corporate purposes.

The key terms of the Bonds to be issued are as follows:

- The first tranche (the “2018 Bonds”) matures in 5 years and has a 1.125% per annum coupon payable semi-annually with an initial conversion price of EUR 3.9338.

- The second tranche (the “2019 Bonds”) matures in 6 years and has a 2.5% per annum coupon payable semi-annually with an initial conversion price of EUR 4.0851.

- The third tranche (the “2020 Bonds”) matures in 7 years and has a 3.625% per annum coupon payable semi-annually with an initial conversion price of EUR 4.2364.

If the Sale of the D&S Business is completed, the Bonds will be redeemed and the principal amount and accrued interest netted against the Sale of the D&S Business proceeds.

All the Bonds are issued at par and will be redeemed at par on the closing date of the Sale of the D&S Business. Should the Sale of the D&S Business not be completed, the Bonds will be redeemed at par on their respective maturity dates, unless otherwise redeemed, purchased, converted or cancelled in accordance with their terms.

The Bonds are expected to be issued on or about September 23, 2013.

Microsoft has agreed not to sell any of the Bonds or convert any of the Bonds to Nokia shares prior to the closing of the Sale of the D&S business.

Should the Sale of the D&S Business not be completed, Microsoft would have the right to sell the 2018 Bonds immediately. Microsoft has agreed not to sell any of the 2019 Bonds prior to the second anniversary of their issuance date and any of the 2020 Bonds prior to the third anniversary of their issuance date.

Microsoft has also agreed not to convert any of the 2018 Bonds and any of the 2019 Bonds into Nokia shares prior to the second anniversary of their issuance date and for the 2020 Bonds prior to the third anniversary of their issuance date, except in a change of control situation. Thereafter, the conversion right continues until the date falling seven business days prior to the maturity date of the relevant bond. If the Bonds are converted into Nokia shares by Microsoft, Microsoft has agreed to vote according to recommendations of Nokia’s Board of Directors, save in circumstances where this would be construed as Microsoft acting in concert with Nokia for purposes of the Finnish Securities Markets Act.

Nokia has the right to redeem all outstanding 2018 Bonds and 2019 Bonds after the third anniversary of their issuance date plus 30 days if the volume weighted average price of the Nokia shares is at least 130% of the then prevailing conversion price for a specified period of time, and with respect to the 2020 Bonds Nokia has a similar right after the fourth anniversary of their issuance date plus 30 days. Nokia will also have the right to redeem each tranche of Bonds at any time if conversion rights are exercised and/or purchases (and corresponding cancellations) and/or redemptions are effected in respect of 85% or more in principal amount of such tranche of Bonds. The terms and conditions of the Bonds provide for adjustments of the then applicable conversion price for any dividends in cash or in kind as well as customary anti-dilution adjustments.

Nokia will make an application to include the Bonds for trading on the Open Market (Freiverkehr) segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as soon as reasonably practicable following the issuance date of the Bonds.

The maximum number of shares which may be issued by Nokia upon conversion of all the Bonds (based on the initial conversion price of each tranche) is approximately 367.5 million, representing approximately 8.9 % of Nokia’s shares as calculated based on current amount of shares added with shares to be issued upon conversion of all the Bonds.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Weekend Watch: Katy Perry Roar Featuring Nokia Lumia 1020

Posted: 07 Sep 2013 12:21 AM PDT

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You might remember the post from the other day with the behind the scenes look at the new Katy Perry hit, “Roar”. We’re pleased to see the Nokia Lumia 1020 starring in the video (though we may have preferred the bright yellow, as was the case in Kelly Clarkson’s video featuring the 920, though that was about having splashes of colour among the dull)

You can also watch it on VEVO: Click

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