07 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Puny NFC, how Microsoft degraded the Nokia NFC experience. #rant

Posted: 06 Sep 2013 08:02 PM PDT

NFC stands for near field communication, its a very energy efficient method of transferring small amount of data between NFC enabled devices and/or NFC tags.
It was originally meant to be the way we transact money, needless to say this dream is still dying soon after every revival attempt any major company pushes.
(Google tried it, Nokia tried it and lets say they both failed miserably)

However Nokia didn’t throw away the technology but rather transformed it into something more, it started creating peripherals that use it, reducing horrendous BT paring setups to a single tap.


Nokia also used it to share stuff between other Nokias but nothing compares to how Nokia approach the photo sharing experience through NFC, it was a bless.


In 2011 I was still rocking my Nokia N9, NFC was useless to me back then as I didn’t have any other NFC enabled device to use it with.

I bought the Nokia Play 360, I LOVED it, the instant pairing the no need to press the power button on the speaker, it was amazing!


Shortly there after I got engaged and quickly got my fiancée a Nokia C7 so typically we started taking pictures lots of them and every now and then we’d be browsing through my gallery and she’d see a photo she likes, I hold the phone tap it on her Nokia C7 and voila the picture was sent, there was the option to limit this with (ask before sending) but I didn’t need it.

In 2012 I bought the Nokia 808 and gifted my Nokia N9 to a close friend that was in love with it, it didn’t take me long to hate the downgrade in the OS coming from the Nokia N9, that’s why when the Lumia 920 was released I quickly jumped ship.

being engaged It made sense to me to give a 41mp camera phone to my fiancée, (I wasn’t wrong).
But when I tried to share a picture with her through a tap ( a feature we both enjoyed with time ) the Lumia 920 would not connect to the 808 nor the other way around. :(

I figured then that a Lumia to Lumia transaction would’ve been much more successful, until I bought the Lumia 720 two months ago.

  • Nokia N9/C7/808/701 NFC photo sharing procedure goes as follows, open the gallery, open a pic you like, tap another phone and your pic is shared. (depending on the settings with or without notification.)


  • WP8 procedure: open a pic you like and click more (…) then Share and then Tap + Send for those of you keeping count that’s three taps already the feature should’ve been called Taps + send.

If you think this is it, you’re wrong! If you didn’t have BT switched on before hand, then the process would stop and ask you to go to the BT settings menu to enable it! (the button showed doesn’t even enable the damn BT it just lets you go to the BT setting!)
But once you come back to your picture, you’ll need to repeat the 3 taps again, Okay that’s fair.

Nope we’re not done, after you tap your phone to the other WP8, the other WP8 would stop the process and asks his holder to enable BT himself and you may have guessed it but YES YOU’LL NEED TO REPEAT AGAIN!

I don’t know who was the team responsible for this disaster, and how did they manage to think that this is what convince is! But I hope whoever they are should be fired for incompetent and should be replaced by Nokia guys immediately.


Ultimate fail!


Insider Report: Elop Canned a Nokia Tablet/Ereader as Soon as He Became CEO

Posted: 06 Sep 2013 12:35 PM PDT

DSC02029A former Nokia employee has shared some interesting details on Nokia’s situation prior to appointing Stephen Elop as CEO, as well as some of the decisions he made after coming on board.

One major decision Elop did on almost literally day one of becoming CEO was putting an end to a tablet/E-reader project that Nokia were working on called “Pine”. The device was a Linux based system, where Nokia were teaming up with book providers to get some “interactive content”.

Regarding Elop’s most famous/notorious decision, which is of course switching to WP rather than Android/Meego or even sticking with Symbian. Apparently the Nokia board had a “strategy team” which helped make these sort of decisions, when Elop asked them what the best choice of action was for Nokia; they ALL agreed that Android was the way to go. Both Elop and Jo Harlow disagreed, and decided to go down the WP route.

Another major canning done by Elop was for the Meltemi, the feature phone OS which we discussed in detail previously; eventually the whole OS project was shelved and the planned features were integrated into the Asha line.


Thinking of the possibilities of what a Nokia tablet or “e-reader” could have accomplished almost 3 years ago puts a whole new spin on the


LeakyLeak: Lumia 1520 Press Renders, Shows a Minimal Camera Bump

Posted: 06 Sep 2013 07:59 AM PDT

BTex5TtCUAEQaus@evleaks has just posted what appears to be an official press render or the Lumia 1520. The device previously known as Bandit, which should be Nokia’s first try at the phablet market. The device was previously rumored to have a 6″ screen, Quad core, 1080p and a 20 Megapixel camera.

In the image above we can see a slight elevation around the camera (very similar to the Lumia 925), above  which is an LED flash and five mysterious dots. The dots resemble the connectors for wireless charging covers, but seem to be a few too many (the 720 had 3, the 1020 and 925 only had 2). The press team also seem to have messed up the hardware Windows Phone buttons, seeing how they’re way too close to each other  It turns out the hardware button placement perfectly matches the original phablet leak we saw months ago (that so many of us dismissed as fake).

Nokia Phablet

In terms of the onscreen image, it’s the same image @evleaks previously leaked; which showed off “story teller” and independant office apps.

What do you guys think? For me the color seems a bit *too* dull, I love the matte yellow on the 1020, but here it looks almost dirty (could be due to the poor quality), but then again the camera hump on the 1020 does make for some great contrast against the yellow.


Lumiappdates: PC Remote Pro, extras+info, feedback to Nokia

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 11:25 PM PDT


A few of these updates already arrived either yesterday or the day before that (e.g. Skype) but I didn’t get around to them. Skype of course gets video messaging.

  • feedback to Nokia gets bug fixes
  • PC removte pro v2.36.0.0 fixes ability to send pics from phone to PC, two finger tap for right click and fixes for crashes and bugs (I love this app. I have the mouse/volume controls pinned to my homescreen. I wish I could pin the spotify buttons too)
  • extras+info gives some general fixes and improvements as well as enhancements for Accessories application

HTC cancels GDR2 update for HTC 8X? – Nokia continues to support Lumia with updates

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 11:14 PM PDT



Even though the Devices and Services portion of Nokia will soon belong to MS, Nokia will maintain support for these devices regardless. There should be no visible transition for the end user up until the point that MS is in charge.

We could all hope that updates would come quicker (and less at the mercy of carriers/networks) once Nokia is under the full MS hands but it’s not guaranteed. E.g. Google’s Moto X didn’t come with the latest version of Android like the Nexus counterpart would as a new device (perhaps we shall see some Nexus version with the new Lumias? Surface Phone? :/)

WMPU reckons it might be HTC throwing a hissy fit over the Microsoft-Nokia deal or it could be some other innocent reason (like they’re just dreadful at supporting devices?).

This is just from Voda Australia though. It could have cancelled just to skip to GDR3? Here’s what’s coming on the Lumia side.

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 07.13.53

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

Microsoft-Nokia brand bests Google-Motorola says branding consultancy Kontera.

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 11:06 PM PDT



According to branding consultancy Kontera, the MS purchase of Nokia’s handset division is a much better deal than the google one (duh) with the Nokia brand being significantly stronger that Motorola.

I don’t know about you, but for some they’re not a fan of MS using the Nokia brand, and it appears you’re going to get your wish on the smartphone side. I for one recognize the global Nokia brand as having power.

In a nutshell, Nokia is a significantly stronger global brand. It has tremendous recognition value, and that brand strength is a spark that can translate into sales and market share, given strong products and distribution channel

Yes in certain places it isn’t as good as it used to be (thought of as old/throw away candybars) but it most places, the name itself means something trustyworthy, something awesome, a whole reason to consider it above the competition. You’d think that MS would want to keep such a selling point (especially since the Nokia hardware speaks for itself, and more so when MS get their asses in gear and improve WP where it needs to be to tick those hardware box check lists) but this is MS and they don’t really choose things based on common sense.

Could Lumia really do well enough on its own? The Microsoft brand really isn’t something that ‘sells’ a product. Perhaps what it does, when it does it well can, but not ‘Microsoft’. e.g. “Xbox”. I remember a BBC documentary looking at the power of brands (Nokia was mentioned too) and they surprised the British public when they realised who actually made the Xbox. The ‘uncool’ Microsoft.

A funny bit at the end where they suggest Google to buy Samsung. Even the chunk of the mobile division of Samsung is possibly not attainable to even the likes of Google.

Source: USAtoday

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

Friday LOL: Nokia Lumia 925: Don’t let the darkness ruin your photos

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 10:52 PM PDT

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 06.48.34

Quite a funny video and an interesting play on words to promote the Nokia Lumia 925′s prowess in low light.

Watch as a scene is literally wrecked by the physical embodiment of darkness, strutting his stuff, causing chaos.

Again, no sight as to what the 925 actually looks like but that has apparently been an active decision. Good promos from Nokia.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

Designed by Nokia: Xiaomi Mi3 copies Nokia N9/Lumia 800?

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 10:46 PM PDT

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 06.41.39 Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 06.41.31 Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 06.41.22


The classic Fabula design seems to have inspired Xiaomi to CopyPasta Nokia’s N9.


Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 06.43.43

The video kinda sounds like this

Cheers Alvester for the tip!

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