26 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

My little Nokia story.

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 06:41 PM PDT

Facts are never really connected, we connect them to produce meanings that may turn out to be valid later on.

Today I’ll connect some facts and produce a meaning that isn’t popular around here so hear me out, sound off in the comment and PLEASE don’t come at me with torches.


  • OPK


For me the story is simple Nokia fired OPK; the previous CEO’s short sight on touch screens and his financial decisions later on crippled Nokia phones, in a sense he was responsible for the worst PR the company ever faced.



Elop's best moment

Nokia’s board hired a financially driven CEO, as Elop’s biggest strengths are financial.

I would think that if Nokia’s board wanted a comeback they would’ve hired the creative type CEO,  who knew everything about the company and was in fact Finish.

my personal preference would’ve been Marko Ahtisaari. ( there was lots of other candidates as well.)

  • Turning the other eye


Nokia’s board also stood firmly behind every money grabbing decision Elop made, every trimming and every lay off.

It almost felt like Stephen Elop was performing an objective, Trojan horse was thrown around all the time and still Nokia’s board didn’t move an inch.

Nokia’s board also approved every decision to create a new brand that feels separate from Nokia, in fact in a very short term, Elop axed two brands synonymous with Nokia ”OVI & Symbian” and created three individual ones that are SEPARATE from Nokia’s brand. (Here, Lumia and Asha)

Selling and then leasing Nokia’s HQ is just another big example of how Elop was actually setting this thing up for a clean take over.

Something the board couldn’t have missed and wouldn’t have approved in the first place “IF THEY WANTED TO”.


  • Forcing an outcome


Ever wondered why Stephen Elop in the first place? why go after a guy who has a good job at the biggest software company in the world? Why a Microsoft guy?

I think it makes sense for Elop to go after Microsoft for his smartphone strategy, he knows Microsoft and would have better deals on that basis.

Google however would’ve been a very uncharted territory for Elop. (apparently Google didn’t give Nokia much of an incentive to join. ie; no special treatment) 

The board must have predicted this and this adds to the feeling I have; Its actually Nokia’s board who courted Microsoft and NOT the other way around.

Its when you look where the board is focusing its efforts that you start to see how Nokia have been in the process of changing course for the last two years at least.


  • Bigger fish to fry


Nokia’s acquisition of Siemens followed by Nokia’s tie up with Alcatel, paints the real picture of future Nokia, NSN controls 18% of their business which will be bumped to 30% if the Alcatel deal went through.


  • Gardener/Trojan horse

From my perspective Elop was not a Trojan horse, he was a hired gardener and even his contract shows it and its of no surprise that Nokia’s stock raised after the Microsoft  acquisition.

If the Alcatel deal goes through the stock would probably get a healthy surge.


I think from the a financial stand point, Nokia’s board is doing a great job for both their country and their shareholders.

It kept all the jobs of its devices branch, it shed the weight and its now pursing Alcatel.

(If the Siemens Networks alliance was anything to go by, this will pay off handsomely ) 


  • Business as usual


After all Nokia have been always about surviving odds and changing businesses would not be their first time.

For Nokia its business as usual, they’ve been doing it for well over a century, they KNOW what they’re doing and I totally support it.

Thanks for reading.

Nokia to tie up with Alcatel?

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 03:47 PM PDT


According to a recent Reuters article, Nokia may be looking into buying Alcatel-Lucent’s wireless network business. The article suggests that rumours of a tie-up between the two companies has been ongoing for some time and with Nokia actively pursuing a new road-map for itself, now may be the time to strike.

Nokia is in a “period of reflection trying to figure out what they want to do,” one of the sources said. They said there were possibilities for Nokia such as having “the option to buy the entire Alcatel-Lucent, or just the wireless business … Nothing is imminent.”

Nokia currently face strong competition from Ericsson, Huawei and ZTE in the networks business, with a market share of 18%. However the addition of Alcatel’s business would increase their share to 30% (just behind Ericsson) and open up a bigger presence in the US market where NSN currently struggles.

Personally on a very high level this looks like it could possibly be a good idea if Nokia do end up moving away from consumer devices. However it comes down to how high Alcatel-Lucent would be valued (estimated between 1.1 – 1.5 billion euros) along with the proposed future vision for Nokia (when’s its truly figured out).


Source: Reuters

Thanks to Kaizer for the tip!

Rumor: Nokia to Announce 6 New Devices At Nokia WOrld Abu Dhabi

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 09:40 AM PDT

BU7_Lt8CEAAI-I7According to the Verge, Nokia are set to announce 6 new devices at the upcoming October 22nd event in Abu Dhabi. We previously heard that both the Lumia 1520 and 2520 would be coming, as well as rumors of the Asha 500, but that leaves at least 3 more devices unaccounted for.

Also rumored to launch are a range of new accessories, including one that’s “pretty special”. Any guesses? (probably a tablet accessory as well as that flip case we saw for the 1520, and maybe a refresh for the Purity/JBL lineup?)



Nokia Ask Elop to Take a Reduction in his $25 Million Bonus, Claims He Needs it For His Divorce

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 04:28 AM PDT

Look ma! No HandsThe sale of Nokia to Microsoft stopped being  business transaction a couple stories back, and is now probably best classified as a soap opera. Apparently Nokia, in retaliation to the public blowback when the details  Elop’s contract were revealed (including his $25 mil bonus for selling the devices division) are asking him to take a reduced bonus. Elop on the other hand has stated that he can’t since he’ll be needing that money for his divorce settlement (I guess his wife has been hanging around the MNB comments section too much).

Either way this just adds even more confusion and drama to the whole story; read more about it here:


Thanks everyone who sent this in.


Petition to make Symbian Open Source

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 12:37 AM PDT

Quick heads up again, just catching my transport to GP:

Since Nokia cancelled all firmware updates for their Symbian phones &
Microsoft probably has no intention to keep Symbian OS, because they are concentrating on Windows Phones,



Symbian OS still provides the base for many tens of millions of users worldwide (e.g. numbers from “Statcounter – Global Stats”). A lot of these people have trusted Nokia as their phone provider for over 20 years. Android, Symbian’s biggest competitor in mobile OS, already has open source projects and allows development and distribution all over the world, and I would like to see Symbian opened up on a similar basis, for ongoing work by professional and hobbyist programmers.



Cheer Sascha for the tip

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