06 September 2013

My Nokia Blog

My Nokia Blog

Nokia Have Contributed Over 600 Apps to the WP Store, Over 20,000 Lumias to Developers

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 09:02 AM PDT

Nokia collectionIt’s no secret that Nokia have done more than their share in keeping the WP appstore relevant, and according to a recent Microsoft event, the number of apps Nokia had a hand in making, or delivering to the WP marketplace is over 600! As well as over 20,000 Lumias given out to developers as tools and incentives/rewards! Those are some pretty impressive numbers.




Amazon’s One Day Lumia 1020 Sale Pushes it to #3 in Top Selling Phones

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 08:32 AM PDT



Yesterday Amazon.com ran a one day sale on the Lumia 1020, discounting it from the current $249 to $199. The effects of this one day sale seem to have helped the Lumia 1020 Surge to the top of the contract phones seller list, with the yellow 1020 coming in at 3rd place behind the white and black S4, while the black 1020 is in 8th place behind a couple more S4 colors and the HTC one.

Top Sellers; Amazon Contract Phones

It’s interesting to note that the 1020 is the most expensive on contract phone in the whole list, in fact the second cheapest phone is the S4/HTC One at $119 ($80 less than the 1020′s sale price). Not bad for one days work huh?

Thanks for the tip Alvester

How the Deal Between Microsoft and Nokia Went Down.

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 08:25 AM PDT

I chose this picture intentionally, since most seem to be under the impression that Elop has the ability to sell a company with a wave of his magic wand. He can't.

I chose this picture intentionally, since most seem to be under the impression that Elop has the ability to sell a company with a wave of his magic wand. He can’t.

Allthingsd has a very detailed article about how everything went down between Microsoft and Nokia in terms of their acquisition, we previously, but here’s s started back in February at MWC, but here’s s a very detailed account of everything that happened before and since.


It’s a slightly long read, but very interesting if you want to know the specifics and the steps between initial talks and signing the final paper. Most interestingly is how hard both sides fought to get control of the HERE maps division, in fact it was almost a deal breaker on several occasions.  The other important was that Elop was NOT spearheading the deal (it was as it should be, headed by the chairman of the board, Risto Siilasmaa), I ‘d like to take this moment to point out that notice how adamant all of the Nokia executives were on keeping control of the profitable portions of Nokia, mainly HERE and NSN, while trying to get rid of the devices division. Because of course Nokia has always been more of a devices company, but what this means is that Elop was NOT a trojan, as so many of you insist. Elop can’t decide to sell Nokia on his own, no more than he can decide to partner up with WP on his own, the CEO is only a face to the leadership of a company; where all major decisions are essentially done by the heads of various departments + the board members. There have been members of the board who showed their lack of confidence in Elop as a CEO, but the majority must have had belief in him or they would have changed him.

MNB RG: Nokia 5230 the unsung “hero” device

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 08:13 AM PDT


This was sent in by long time reader, who wishes to remain anonymous. She notes that it would seem that the Nokia 5230 sold insanely well. I took me a few reads to process what she is saying here, but it really is pretty impressive.

As people talk about Nokia’s years after strategy change away from Symbian I have noted one anomaly that nobody seems to point out. I guess I’ll have to mention it: The Nokia 5230.

That phone is the only Symbian smartphone that made it to the “top 10 list of most sold phones ever” . And from the list we know it sold 150 million units. Here’s the problem: Nokia 5230 launched as “recently” as Q4 2009. From what we know it was selling from Q4 2009 to Q4 2011, a period during which Nokia sold 198,4 million smartphones according to their interim reports. If we assume that N9 and first Lumias sold a combined amount of 1,4 million in fourth quarter of 2011, Nokia sold 197 million Symbian phones between Q4 2009 and Q4 2011….of which 150 million are 5230′s!

That’s right, ONE single device called 5230 is responsible of 76% of Nokia’s device sales for period of OVER 2 YEARS! (Or – if we wish to think it other way round – without that single phone model Nokia would have had 76% smaller market share for a time span of 2 years.) Now THAT should be called a hero device!

And since I started my writing by mentioning the strategy change, let’s remember the timing and assume that majority of the sales of Nokia 5230 took place during 2010 when it was not as outdated as it was in 2011. That means Nokia 5230 – one phone model from low end – was responsible of over 80% of Nokia’s unit sales at the time when Nokia Management made decision to switch strategy.

What do you think?

Did you own the 5230? Let us know in the comments below!

“Newkia” Plans on Rebirthing Nokia, With Android.

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 07:47 AM PDT


This is rather funny, yet 100% factual!  Similar to the Meego story, where once dumped by Nokia, Jolla Mobile tried (and still is) to bring it back to life through their own hardware devices. Now Newkia has risen from Singapore, under the guidance of Thomas Zilliacus, who held the position of Nokia APAC CEO for several years (working for Nokia for a total of 15 years), alonsgide Jorma Nieminen, the Nokia Mobile Phones CEO, and Sven-Christer Nilsson, former CEO of Ericcson. They created Newkia the day the Microsoft acquisition of Nokia went public. It is said that they tried to buy-out Nokia a year ago but couldn’t raise the funds.

In response to the Microsoft acquisition, Zilliacus stated:

The deal reflects the complete failure of the Windows strategy Stephen Elop chose when he was appointed Nokia CEO some two years ago. Nokia, which only three years ago was the world's runaway market leader in mobile phones, is today a small and insignificant brand.

In regards to his aims with Newkia he says:

We set up Newkia literally the day Nokia sold its phone business to Microsoft. It was the day Nokia died in Finland, and the new Nokia was born in Newkia. I know Nokia employees who are keen to develop for Android and maybe would like to join us. I strongly believe Nokia still has the best know-how in terms of mobile phones and we want to get the best people to join us. What Newkia wants to do is to use Nokia know-how, technology, and design to build the world's best smartphones, but running on Android

Their plans are to launch the first device within a year, provided enough funding is available. Apparently the success of Xiaomi (overthrowing Apple in China) has given these ex-Nokians some confidence that they can succeed. Newkia is looking to attract former Nokia staff and use their know-how to create Android powered devices with the craftsmanship that Nokia is renowned for.

So what do you guys think? Do you believe Newkia has a future?  And would you support it? Should they band together with Jolla?

Source: CNet via UnleashThePhones


Extras + Info updated; Glance & Touch now in Settings & display+touch

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 07:04 AM PDT

 Extras + Info was updated today and it seems it may have been a bit of a fail!

The changelog stated:

  • general fixes and improvements
  • enhancements for Accessories application

Though, Adrian noticed that glance and touch are now in the main Settings app, AND under display+touch. Possibly a bit of a botched update?


Manually get the update by scanning the qr code below (or clicking it if you’re on your Lumia).

Cheers for the tip Adrian!


BlackBerry Sale to be wrapped up by November?

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 12:44 AM PDT

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2013, 13, the year unlucky for some and it appears a possible sale of BlackBerry is getting more real. The Wall Street Journal reports it could get wrapped up as early as November.

Interestingly, someone called Alex emailed us earlier today wondering what would happen if the likes of Nokia were to suddenly buy BlackBerry (yes, after selling off their own devices and services segment :/). Quite unlikely but you get a bit of that swipeness, eh?

Some comments in the Engadget post recommend MS to buy BB with the spare change they got from getting Nokia at such a low price.

Apple, Samsung, Dell and Google are top names coming into the mix.

It’s not 100% certain; BB exploring other options of which include the sale of the company, but WSJ seems to think the board wants to wrap up the auction by November.

Via: Engadget

Cheers Ammad for the tip!

World Respected Photographers, David Bailey and Bruce Weber capturing the moment with Nokia Lumia 1020

Posted: 05 Sep 2013 12:29 AM PDT

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Nokia have gotten the Nokia Lumia 1020 into the hands of world renowned photographers, David Bailey and Bruce Weber.


These guys, more used to snapping with Leicas and Hasselblads, try out the 1020 for the first time, with Weber never having used digital before.

 I was impressed with the resolution and the beauty of the colour… Sure, of course I would use this camera again.

Bailey and Weber will be showing the fruits of their day in Harlem at a photo exhibition at the Nicholls and Clarke building in Shoreditch, London from 13 September – NokConv.

Apologies on the brief post, my connection keeps cutting out.

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