Top stories: Jun 29 - Jul 06 Features Tech remorse: worst gadgets we ever bought by Ars Staff As much as we love technology, it can also be a downer. With every bad gadget purchase, however infrequent, we're reminded that chip-based life forms are cold and indifferent. A touchscreen insists you tapped a full inch to the left from the icon you meant to hit; a laptop spins up its fan as the hard drive refuses to yield a Word document; a voice recorder drains its 4 AAs, dabs the corners of its lips, and dies for the third time today. Read More
| Law & Disorder Carreon claims victory, drops his lawsuit against The Oatmeal et al. by Megan Geuss Late Tuesday afternoon, Charles Carreon dropped his absurd federal lawsuit against The Oatmeal cartoonist Matt Inman, Indiegogo, The National Wildlife Federation, The American Cancer Society, and 100 unnamed Does in Northern California District Court. Theoretically, the whole crazy debacle should all be over. Read More
| Scientific Method Stephen Hawking on time travel, M-theory, and extra terrestrial life by Ars Staff Stephen Hawking is near-universally recognized as a brilliant scientist, and one small facet of his complex genius is the rockstar ability to democratize scientific knowledge. It's becoming increasingly important as purveyors of pop culture continue to eschew acknowledgment and respect for the most basic scientific principles. Hollywood in particular has continued its marginalization of scientific knowledge with blatant disregard in recent films. Read More
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